The Friendship Circle

A Call With Our Staff

  • Friendship House Addiction Services

    Services include support and guidance to individuals and families struggling with isolation and life crises due to addiction.

    To learn more visit…
    Friendship Circle

  • Enrichment Programs for People with Developmental Disabilities

    Services include programming for adults, teens and children with special needs. Programs include self expression through the arts, vocational training in Friendship Circle’s Soul Café and in the community, volunteer opportunities, social programs, Jewish education, fitness and exercise, life skills development and training, sports, music, outings, and matching of volunteers with children/teens with disabilities to provide friendship to the children/teens and respite for the family.

    To learn more visit…
    Friendship Circle

    LinkUp is a social program for young adults with disabilities still living at home with their families.
    To learn more visit…

    The Kids All Together program provides staff support to enable children with developmental disabilities to be fully included in Center Day Camps, the Pitt Child Development Center and other programs at the JCC; Teens All Together, which is an 8 week summer program for teens with developmental disabilities, focuses on vocational, recreational and independent living skills development and Adult Social Group provides social activities and programs for adults with disabilities.

    To learn more visit…
    Jewish Community Center